Summary: The San Mateo-based SEO firm BrightEdge released an audit of 1,000 companies and found that 25 percent of them back-link to sites that put them at risk of corrective actions by search engine companies.

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In a TechCrunch article released today, results of a two-week audit by SEO firm BrightEdge show that approximately 25 percent of companies have backlinks to link-farming sites, Web sites who offer little content and serve to sell link space to companies seeking to raise their search results rank.
The results gives credence to JC Penny’s story that it and many other firms who contract SEO companies to designed their online marketing strategy were unaware of the practice. Read the JC Penny story here.
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It makes sense that JC penny would do something like this. I’m sure they “didn’t know” about it… At this point they are desperately competing with the other big name retailers. They’ve got to do something to keep their store name coming out of consumers mouths, even if it is in question form as it pops up in a search for gym shoes, “JC penny?”